Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Baseball as it's meant to be played

The other night, watching Cleveland vs. New York, being played outdoors, as baseball is meant to be played, I was amused at the players waving off the hoards of midges swarming all over them. Baseball, played outdoors as it's meant to be played. I'm betting Cleveland is enjoying the indoor Dome experience here. At least it is midge free. Just wait, however, soon we'll be playing outdoors too, and, should we ever get rain again, we can, perhaps, offer swarms of mosquitoes to make Cleveland feel at home.

In Cleveland the Seagulls gather to feast on the midges. Here, I suppose, we could encourage bats (no, not baseball bats), as they eat lots of bugs. Probably wouldn't work though, as bats only come out in the dark, and baseball can't be played in the dark. Here's a plan. We can turn off the lights between innings to allow the bats to clear the field of mosquitoes. Think of the fun we could have in the stands in these dark interludes. And the joy of it all is that it is ecologically sort of a balance of nature outcome.

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